Sunday, September 27, 2009

Single Digits

Seven. It’s a great number. I was born in the seventh month of the year. There are seven days in the weeks, seven wonders in the world and, of course, the lucky jackpot—777. Now I have seven days of radiation left.

On Friday, when I had eight days left, they started my “booster” radiation. The booster is a bonus of extra intense doses targeted at the tumor cavity. This is based on the theory that if there are any stray cancer cells they are most likely to be here at the original site of my cancer. One might think that if those cells had any gumption or energy at all they would have moved on in the five months since my surgery.

It seems to me things could have been done differently. Of course I don’t recall anyone asking me what order I thought things should take. It makes sense to me that treatment would move from the most specific area to the full body approach. That would mean surgery, targeted radiation, wider area radiation and then chemo therapy. I guess it’s a little late to bring this up now.

So, seven treatments to go. Then I can start working on my Bucket List.


1 comment:

  1. oooh... what's on your bucket list?!?!? i haven't seen that movie but i assume it includes a lot of gourmet meals and trips to fun places.
    can't wait till you're at no digits!
    the L fam
