Saturday, March 21, 2009

Small Moments

I don’t value small moments enough. I keep thinking about my first feelings of loss over the things I won’t get to do or see if I get embroiled in another cancer battle. What I truly think I will regret the most is the lost small moments:

When I get a call from a friend just to see how I’m doing;

When my husband crooks his arm just so, inviting me to snuggle with him on the couch while we watch Sports Center or World Poker tour and I go to sleep on his shoulder;

Breakfast at a local coffee shop with friends when the conversation ranges from current events to childhood memories to strange life experiences;

Seeing the swallows come back to check out the little house on our deck they have inhabited for the past several years;

Hummingbirds checking out the feeders and scolding me when they aren’t fresh;

Daffodils, crocuses, tulips, hellebores – optimistic flowers thinking we can’t possibly have another hard freeze – squandering their beauty on the hope of an early spring;

Ok here’s the choice: a snap-line journey over the Amazon canopy or a small moment. I find myself inclined to choose the small moment.


  1. We don't ALWAYS watch sports or poker. Sometimes we watch woodworking shows.

  2. I just read this aloud to Tami. Three things:

    1. I'm so honored to be included in the coffee shop "small moment."

    2. You're wonderfully brave and talented to write what you did, the way you did.

    3. Small moments are going to take more of my time.

    I'm thankful to have you as a friend.

    Ransom (& Tami)
